What makes a man not wanting to get married, even after years of boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with their partners?
2016-05-26 13:05:03 UTC
What are they so afraid of and why? Some man date for years the same woman, but never asks for marriage. Some look for excuses like "I am not ready yet" .

At all the guys out there, what is the truth behind it?
Vier antworten:
2016-05-27 03:08:26 UTC
seine mutter kocht besser
2016-05-27 01:58:14 UTC
Answer: They mean "if I want to drink milk, its not neccessary to buy the cow" !

Girls want safety (money) in her life and the boy

know how expensive a devorce will be !

That`s the truth.
2016-05-26 13:30:40 UTC
They may be afraid of taking responsibility and/or think about the costs of a divorce in case something goes wrong. For others, a marriage certificate simply doesn't matter.

Sie haben vielleicht Angst Verantwortung zu uebernehmen und/oder denken an die Kosten einer Scheidung, fuer den Fall, dass was schieflaeuft. Fuer andere, ist eine Heiratsurkunde einfach nicht wichtig.
2016-05-26 13:30:39 UTC
They are not afraid. You just think that you can be old and happy without a marriage certificate.

There is no need to get married today.

Wedding is getting OUT.

Illegitimate children have the same rights as legitimate children.


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